
Bond University Postgraduate Award, Australia

Bond University offers a range of living stipend scholarships for commencing Doctoral degree students. Living stipends are tax exempt, and provide financial support to enable…

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Heritage Scholarships, Curtin University, Australia

Curtin University is pleased to introduce Heritage Scholarships, which are open to citizens of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. This scholarship category awards eligible students 25%…

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PhD Scholarship, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

DIKTI-UTS Doctoral Degree Scholarships are the outcome of a collaboration betweenIndonesia’s Ministry of National Education Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) and UTS. Further details are available via the contacts listed below….

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Human Rights Scholarship, University of Melbourne, Australia

The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to local or international applicants wishing to undertake graduate researchstudies at the University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate their commitment…

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Beasiswa Endeavour untuk Pascasarjana di Australia

Setiap tahun, pemerintah Australia menganugerahkan beasiswa pascasarjana untuk pelajar internasional. Beasiswa diberikan bagi para mahasiswa S-2 dan S-3 dari berbagai bidang studi yang diambil di…

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Beasiswa Studi ke Australia

Duta Besar Australia untuk Indonesia, Greg Moriarty dengan bangga mengumumkan pembukaan pendaftaran Beasiswa Australia Awards 2014 yang diselenggarakan melalui program bantuan luar negeri Pemerintah Australia….