PhD Scholarships, IMT – Institutions, Markets, Technologies, Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy

Competitions for admission are open in the following PhD Programs at IMT ‑ Institutions, Markets, Technologies, Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca:

Computer Science and Engineering
The Doctoral Program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge of the foundations of informatics. It seeks to explore applications to a variety of systems that are changing the perspective of other existing technological applications and that are target of very active research in the international scene. The research activity focuses on key aspects of these systems, such as open-endedness, autonomy, resource sharing, security, and concurrency.

Economics, Markets, Institutions
The program seeks to deal with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth.

Baca Juga:   PhD in health psychology at University of Bath

A distinctive feature of the PhD program is the integration of theoretical, technical, and practical expertise, aimed at educating highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy.

Theoretical methodologies and models are generated and tested, through the systematic investigation of the real world, with a distinctive focus on concrete observation of markets and their actors. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.

Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino

The Program aims at formalizing in a consistent multidisciplinary course, the specific know-hows needed by researchers and professionals operating at the highest levels of management of culture. The PhD course focuses on the following disciplines: History and Art History; Economics and Management of immaterial goods; Legislation on Cultural Heritage; Technology. Doctoral students will also be given elements of physics and chemistry, strictly related to the field of conservation and analysis of materials. The PhD program integrates a theoretical approach with technical and practical ones, in order to educate both highly qualified professionals operating in the concrete field of cultural policy and researchers who will be active in the field of cultural heritage.

Baca Juga:   International Doctoral Scholarships in Engineering, Kochi University of Technology, Japan

Political Systems and Institutional Change
The PhD in Political Systems and Institutional Change is a multidisciplinary course which analysis, in a comparative perspective, institutions and their historical, political, sociological, legal and economic features. Special attention will be devoted to processes of institutional change. The PhD aims at forming political analysts able to: plan and manage collaborative and integrated processes at the international level; analyze and assess policies and institutional settings at a supranational, national and regional level; confront the specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.

Duration: 3 years
Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.
Classes begin in March 2011.

Baca Juga:   Hellenic Aid Scholarships Grant Programme 2010-2011 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies

The deadline for applications is October 28, 2010 at 18:00 (Italian time).

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