Beasiswa Prestasi 2017 – 2018 USAID ke AS
Kesempatan beasiswa S2 kembali tersedia bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Amerika Serikat. Beasiswa Prestasi. Program yang cukup rutin ditawarkan dan tahun ini kembali…
Kesempatan beasiswa S2 kembali tersedia bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Amerika Serikat. Beasiswa Prestasi. Program yang cukup rutin ditawarkan dan tahun ini kembali…
USAID FUNDED FULBRIGHT AGRICULTURAL M.S. AND Ph. D SCHOLARSHIPS Preference will be given to applicants who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of…
USAID FUNDED FULBRIGHT AGRICULTURAL M.S. AND Ph. D SCHOLARSHIPSPreference will be given to applicants who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state…
A key component of the U.S. government’s development program in Indonesia has always been training, and the support for both short and long-term exchange opportunities…
Master Degree Scholarship in Various Program by USAIDOpen Programs 1. Master`s Degree – in Public HealthMaster`s (two-year program) in the U.S from a Faculty of…
USAID – AED (Academy for Educational Development) Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:• Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.• Master`s…