The Governing Body of Darwin College, Cambridge, and Schlumberger Cambridge Research Limited jointly invite applications for a non-stipendiary Research Fellowship supporting interdisciplinary research, tenable at Darwin College, Cambridge, and sponsored by Schlumberger Cambridge Research Limited.
Candidates` research interests may be in Chemistry, Physics, Geophysics, Mathematics, Engineering (including Chemical Engineering), Biosciences and Materials Science. The successful candidate will be expected to pursue interdisciplinary research during the tenure of the Fellowship and will be expected to organise seminars and meetings to promote innovative work across disciplinary boundaries. The Fellow would be encouraged to establish links with Schlumberger Cambridge Research Limited if appropriate. The Fellowship is open to men and women from any university, irrespective of age, and is intended for outstanding researchers who are completing, or who have recently completed, their PhD Degree. No candidate should have completed in total more than seven years of postgraduate research by 1 October 2011. The function of this Fellowship is to provide a formal, supported starting point for an academic career.
Applications (7 copies) should be sent to the Master, Darwin College, Cambridge CB3 9EU, to arrive by 14 January 2011. Election will be made in May 2011 and the Fellowship will run for two years from 1 October 2011, or from an alternative date soon afterwards to be agreed.
These should be typed if possible, and should include SEVEN copies of (1) curriculum vitae, (2) an account, in not more than 500 words, of the proposed research and the background to it, (3) an assurance that, where necessary, appropriate research arrangements (for example with a laboratory) have been made, (4) a statement about how candidates propose to fund themselves during their tenure of the Research Fellowship, (5) the names and addresses of two referees (including telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses) who should be asked to write at once direct to the College, and (6) a list of published or unpublished work that would be available for submission, if requested. Selected candidates may be invited not later than the end of January 2011 to submit copies of written work and may be called for interview at the beginning of March 2011. Election will be made as soon as possible thereafter.
Conditions and Emoluments
The successful candidate will be subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the College, which may be seen on the College website or on request to the Bursar. They include the obligation to reside in or near Cambridge for at least two-thirds of each University term, unless excused by the Governing Body.
All Research Fellows are members of the Governing Body and are entitled to dine and lunch free of charge at the normal College table whenever meals are served (up to a limit of seven meals in each week), with the exception that the occasional special dinner must be paid for. Guests, normally not exceeding two in number on any one occasion, may be entertained at lunch or dinner, ten of them free of charge within any quarter of the year. College accommodation will be provided, subject to availability, for which the rent charged will be subsidised, or an accommodation allowance equivalent to the subsidy will be paid in lieu. The Schlumberger Research Fellow may also claim an allowance of up to £750 annually towards receipted research expenses; a further sum of £750 a year may be payable to defray the costs of organising seminars, in College, related to the chosen research topic.
The College follows an equal opportunities policy