Radcliffe Department of Medicine PhD Scholarship, University of Oxford, UK

The Radcliffe Department of Medicine 4 year PhD Scholars Programme
The Radcliffe Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford is a large multi-disciplinary Department that undertakes high quality basic biological science with a medical application. In the last RAE, RDM scientists were rated it at the highest level in both basic science and clinical research across a wide range of fields.
The department has internationally renowned programmes in a broad spectrum of sciences related to medicine, including: Cardiovascular Medicine; Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism; Epidemiology and Clinical Trials; Haematology and Pathology; Immunology; Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells; and Acute Stroke. These themes span the translational research spectrum, from basic biological research through to clinical application.
The Department is committed to training the next generation of scientists in biological and clinical sciences through its graduate programme in the University of Oxford. The Department’s PhD Scholars Programme is open to outstanding candidates of any nationality, without restriction. It provides fully-funded awards for students wishing to undertake a 4-year D.Phil in Medical Sciences.
Students are full members of the University of Oxford, have their College and University fees paid (home or overseas) and receive a generous stipend of £18,000/annum. These awards allow students to carry out research in a single laboratory for the full 4 years.
Further details on the application process and the wide range of projects are available on the RDM website. Individual supervisors can also be contacted by email about their projects.

  • The closing date for applications is 4th January 2013
  • Interviews will take place on 23rd & 24th January 2013
  • Offers will be made in early February 2013.
Baca Juga:   PhD Fellowship in the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Southern

For more information, please visit : official website


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