PhD Scholarship Position in Switzerland for Computer Graphics Scientists and Physicists

In the context of a multidisciplinary study combining mathematical modelling, computer science, and evolutionary developmental genetics, we still have ONE position available for an outstanding, highly motivated, and creative physicist / computer scientist / engineer with strong interests / skills in computer graphics and numerical simulation approaches. The positions are for 3 years or more and can start anytime (negotiable).

This new project, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the University of Geneva, integrates the expertise of three research groups for an improved understanding of the mechanisms generating variation, complexity, and convergences at colour traits in animals.

The successful candidates will develop and deploy advanced tools for comprehensive acquisition, modelling, and mathematical analysis of high-resolution colour textures and 3D geometries from a large number of animal individuals in the laboratory as well as in the field.

Baca Juga:   PhD scholarship in Host-virus Interactions at Technical University of Denmark

Applications: Please send (combined into one single pdf file) a brief letter of interest, your CV, as well as contact information of two references to:

➡ Matthias Zwicker (zwicker [at] iam [dot] unibe [dot] ch), Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Bern, Switzerland.


➡ Michel Milinkovitch (Michel.Milinkovitch [at] unige [dot] ch), Laboratory of Artificial & Natural Evolution, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 31 May 2011

Visit Official Website.


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