Applications are open for one scholarship to study the Distance Learning MSc Clinical Trials (CT) course commencing October 2011. This scholarship is offered by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
The scholarship covers full tuition fees to study the Distance Learning MSc Clinical Trials course, and a contribution towards local examination centre fees.
Criteria for the scholarship
This MSc Clinical Trials scholarship is available only to a student who is a national of, and resident within, a Low Income country as indicated on here.
Applicants will be assessed on the following criteria:
- the academic merit of the applicant (at least a 2:1 or equivalent first Honours undergraduate degree)
- at least two years’ proven work experience in the Clinical Trials field
- how the skills and qualification obtained from the MSc Clinical Trials would benefit both the applicant and their institution, with respect to current and/or future employment; and
- impact on the development of the applicant’s home country.
The successful applicant will be required to:
- complete a minimum number of modules each year of the course
- give regular feedback to the School, and
- co-operate with any programme evaluations for the duration of their scholarship and for a period of up to five years after completion of the course.
All applicants must ensure that they satisfy the standard criteria for admission to the MSc Clinical Trials course. Full details of the course can be found on the University of London International Programmes website
How to Apply
Those wishing to be considered for the scholarship should complete the MSc Clinical Trials scholarship application form and submit it, together with a complete MSc Clinical Trials by Distance Learning application form (unless this has already been submitted) and the other required supporting documentation, to:
Postgraduate Admissions Office
University of London International Programmes
Ground floor
Stewart House
32 Russell Square
London WC1B 5DN
United Kingdom.
Deadline for scholarship applications
You must be in receipt of an offer of a place on the MSc Clinical Trials for your scholarship application to be considered; therefore applications for the course must be received no later than 31 March 2011. If you wish to submit both your scholarship application and course application together, this must be received no later than 31 March 2011. If you are already in receipt of an offer of a place on the course, the final deadline for receipt of scholarship applications only is 20 May 2011.
Please note that for your MSc course application you should have asked two referees to send confidential letters of reference direct to the University. Neither your MSc course application nor your scholarship application can be considered until your references have been received.
N.B. This scholarship is only available to those wishing to study the MSc Clinical Trials – it is not available to those wishing to take the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Trials.
Selection of the candidate
Scholarship applications will be considered by a sub-panel of the LSHTM Scholarships Committee. The successful candidate will be informed in June 2011. (The MSc course applications of those who are not short-listed will continue to be processed.)
E-mail: [email protected]