International Students Masters/PhD Scholarships in Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience, University of Tuebingen Germany

Masters, PhD Scholarships for International Students in Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience at the University of Tuebingen, Germany.

The Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience is the first international neuroscience Graduate School was established at the University of Tübingen in 1999. In the future, three Schools will provide research oriented career tracks – leading to a master or doctoral degree – that provide an ideal preparation for a career in science and academia. The three graduate programs will complement one another at best and, thus, provide a markedly broad sprectrum of neuroscience research and training opportunities in Tübingen. Teaching is entirely in English.

Baca Juga:   Undergraduate Scholarships in Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Application –Scholarships– Fees

  • Entry requirements: BSc for master program; MSc, Diploma or MD for doctoral program.
  • Application deadlines: January 15 for master program. Doctoral students may apply throughout the year.
  • The selection procedure for a place on the master program is three stepped:
    1. written application,
    2. subject test,
    3. interview.

    Students interested in a doctoral project may contact research groups of their interest directly.

  • Scholarships are available for excellent international students. Doctoral students are generally funded through research grants.
  • Tuition fees for master students amount to 610 Euros per month. Doctoral students are exempted.

Contact Address:

Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience
International Max Planck Research School
University of Tübingen
Österbergstr. 3
72074 Tübingen – Germany
[email protected]

Baca Juga:   Beasiswa PNS Non Dosen dan Umum S2 S3 2010/2011

The program is scheduled to start in winter term 2011/12 (the application deadline will be January 15, 2011).



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