Project Specific Grants – Fondazione Bruno Kessler 2011
FBK, in partnership with the University of Trento, is offering the following project specific grants for research activities to be carried out within our labs. Interested applicants are invited to get in contact with the reference person indicated for each grant, to know more about the research topic and the grant application procedure. Applications must be filled using the online application.
The deadline for applications is the 16th of March, 2011, 13:00 (GTM+1)
Project Specific Grants 2011 Information Technology Research Units >> details
- Acoustic scene analysis and distant-talking speech recognition (1)
- Adaptation and Evolution of Service-Based Applications (1)
- Algorithms and Cloud infrastructures for Semantic Search Engines (1)
- Automatic Speech Recognition (1)
- Combining ontological and process-based reasoning (1)
- Content Processing (Textual Entailment, NLP technologies, Semantic Linking) (3)
- Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks (1)
- Formal Requirements Engineering (1)
- ICT for Development (2)
- Intelligent Monitoring (1)
- Internet of Services (1)
- Mixing logical and statistical reasoning (1)
- Multi-sensor acoustic processing for immersive audio applications (1)
- Multiuser and tangible interaction devices (1)
- Neuroinformatics: Machine Learning for Neuroscience (2)
- Requirements Engineering (2)
- Software Testing (1)
- Social human behavior analysis and understanding (1)
- Statistical machine translation (4)
- Verification of Critical Systems (1)
- Vision Based Scene Understanding (1)
- Web Security (1)
Project Specific Grants 2011 Materials and Microsystems Research Units >> details
CMOS Image Sensors for Advances Applications (1)
Sensors and Technologies for flexible electronics (1)
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